End of Year Giving
Every day all across this city there are students who walk out of middle schools, high schools and college campuses who worry about where and how they will find enough food to eat before the next school day. Being a student is hard enough to navigate without the added burden of food insecurity.
Over the last decade, researchers have become increasingly focused on the relationship between food insecurity and academic performance—and studies have overwhelmingly shown that hungry students of all ages are more likely to struggle in school. Disrupted learning creates a downward spiral in which students fall further and further behind. Their grades begin failing. Their self-esteem is impacted. And eventually, they just stop trying.
A School Food Pantry is an emerging tool in the effort to fight hunger among students in need. Pantries are conveniently located on-site at schools with the goal of providing these students with easy access to nutritious food in a private setting free from any stigma and at no cost to them.
Because of your support, RIFA has been able to help establish food pantries in two middle schools, two high schools, and three colleges in the Jackson community.
Hunger impacts a student’s ability to be successful in the classroom. The only thing a student should be worried about is learning the material being taught, not when or where their next meal is coming from.
“As a commuter college, time and again we see students having to make a choice between gas in their car to get to and from school, work, daycare facilities, etc. or food on their table. Our pantry enables us to address some of the needs our students face,” stated Erin Delle, JSCC Completion Coach.
With your help, we can ensure that one of the most basic needs of food is being met for these students and others who are struggling with food insecurity in the Jackson community.
Will you please consider making a financial contribution to RIFA during this Christmas season? Your gift will help RIFA continue to be the hands and feet of Christ by reaching out and helping people in need to provide both physical and spiritual nourishment.
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done. – Proverbs 19:17