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Our mission is to reach out with the love of Christ to help people in need by providing physical and spiritual nourishment.

The proof is in the numbers
  • Meals provided through school programs
    Meals provided through school programs


  • Meals provided through Senior Staples
    Meals provided through Senior Staples


  • Meals provided through the Soup Kitchen
    Meals provided through the Soup Kitchen


  • Meals provided to families through Community Outreach
    Meals provided to families through Community Outreach


  • Angela * Soup Kitchen patron

    “RIFA is part of the reason that my baby, Isaiah, is here because they fed me in the Soup Kitchen while I was pregnant and didn’t have food.”

  • Ann Edwards * Donor / Volunteer

    “Financial contributions are a necessary part of RIFA. They couldn’t do what they do if we don’t contribute financially. My heart is here at RIFA.”

Why We Fight Hunger

Reaching Out. Lifting Up.

From the Blog

Meet Ellen Bennet, RIFA’s Online Sales Manager!

We're happy to share that RIFA distributed 590,020 meals in 2024!

Affordable Housing Resources in Jackson, Tennessee.