Pack the Bus Bank

Now that you’ve helped us Pack the Bus, it’s time to Pack the Bus Bank! This is a great opportunity for churches, businesses, teams, and classes to get involved in the fight against childhood hunger right here in Jackson. According to the Tennessee Commission on Children & Youth, 26.4% of children in Madison County are food-insecure. In the 2023-2024 school year, 49,474 Snack Backpacks were distributed to elementary students in need.

We need your help to ensure we can continue to meet the need in our community. To participate, simply collect your spare change in a Bus Bank and encourage others to do the same. The banks will be collected in September. All donations benefit Snack Backpack!

To learn more about Bus Banks and how to get yours, contact Denice at 731-427-7963 or If you’d like to donate online, you can do so here:

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