80,000 Meals | Nourished by Love

Did you know that more than 12,000 people in Jackson, Tennessee live every day with hunger as their constant companion? This is a real struggle for many people in our community. But your investment into our mission can change the story of hunger for them.

Angela started coming to the RIFA Soup Kitchen in January of last year. She was alone and afraid and struggling with a drug addiction. Before long, Angela became pregnant and did enter into a recovery program to get clean. During this time she continued to come to the soup kitchen every day for a hot meal and a sense of community. Just a few weeks ago, Angela came into the kitchen beaming and holding baby Isaiah in her arms. She wanted Susan, RIFA’s Soup Kitchen Manager, to meet Isaiah and to thank her. Angela told Susan that “you are part of the reason that he is here, happy and healthy, because you fed me the whole time I was pregnant and had nowhere else to go.” Angela was happy and excited to be starting a new life free of her drug addiction and as a mother to a beautiful baby.

This is just one example of the many lives that are impacted through the work being done here at RIFA. When you give to RIFA, you let thousands of people in need know that there is hope, because someone cares enough to take action.

Giving to RIFA means children in our area are nourished by the love and support of their community.

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